Bricks Site Builder



Bricks is a visual site builder for WordPress similar to Gutenberg and Elementor. It is different from other builders in its dedication to performance and user driven development – there is a public idea board where users can upvote ideas, and development is prioritized based on that.

Bricks is based on Vue 3, Vuex, PHP, WordPress and WooCommerce, all of which I got to work with.

Bricks launched on March 16, 2021. I helped them out during July and August 2021.

Why they hired me

Since launch, Bricks has seen amazing growth, and at that time there were only 2 people doing development (one of whom was the founder). They hired me to help them out with the increasing volume of feature requests, and to speed up bug fixing. I also helped with customer support (all devs do customer support).

Sample work I did

Some people used Bricks on smaller screens, and there was no good way for them to see what their website would look like on bigger screens.

For example, suppose a user’s screen size is 1200 px wide. This is what the builder would look like for them before:

The page that they’re editing is only 600 px wide, which is the width of a small tablet. But what if they wanted to see the page at 1000 px or more? Not possible.

To resolve that problem, I implemented a scaling feature. If the user’s device is too small, the page preview will scale down to fit on their screen:

The page preview is scaled down to 60% so the user is able to see a 1000 px wide preview in the space of 600 px.